Sealite Customer Survey Question Title * 1. How easy was it for you to select the product(s) you required from Sealite? Very easy Easy Somewhat easy Neither easy nor difficult Somewhat difficult Difficult Very difficult Question Title * 2. Please indicate how satisfied you are with Sealite in the following areas: Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neutral Satisfied Very Satisfied Technical Innovation of product Technical Innovation of product Very Dissatisfied Technical Innovation of product Dissatisfied Technical Innovation of product Neutral Technical Innovation of product Satisfied Technical Innovation of product Very Satisfied Value Value Very Dissatisfied Value Dissatisfied Value Neutral Value Satisfied Value Very Satisfied Quality Quality Very Dissatisfied Quality Dissatisfied Quality Neutral Quality Satisfied Quality Very Satisfied Design Design Very Dissatisfied Design Dissatisfied Design Neutral Design Satisfied Design Very Satisfied Ease of ordering Ease of ordering Very Dissatisfied Ease of ordering Dissatisfied Ease of ordering Neutral Ease of ordering Satisfied Ease of ordering Very Satisfied Customer Support Customer Support Very Dissatisfied Customer Support Dissatisfied Customer Support Neutral Customer Support Satisfied Customer Support Very Satisfied Documentation included Documentation included Very Dissatisfied Documentation included Dissatisfied Documentation included Neutral Documentation included Satisfied Documentation included Very Satisfied Question Title * 3. Has doing business with Sealite been better or worse that doing business with other providers? Much better Better About the same Worse Much worse Question Title * 4. How do you rate the quality of our products compared to alternative products available? Very high quality High quality Neither high nor low quality Low quality Very low quality Question Title * 5. Based on recent experience, will you continue purchasing from Sealite in the future? Very likely Likely Neither likely nor unlikely Unlikely Very unlikely Question Title * 6. Do you have any further comments you wish to share? Question Title * 7. Please fill in your contact information: Name Company Address Address 2 City/Town State/Province Country Email Address Phone Number Done