Iman Kalout  CLB 4B AM December 2023 MCC Language Skills Student Program Evaluation

1.What is your teacher's name?
2.CLB Level:
3.When do you have class?
4.How do you feel about the language skills program?
5.How do you feel about the language skills program? Comments.
6.How do you evaluate your teacher?
7.How do you evaluate your teacher? Comment.
8.Did you have any guest speaker presentation?
9.If yes, how would you evaluate the guest speaker?
10.If you had a guest speaker, how would you evaluate? Comments.
11.Do you have any ideas for guest speakers?
12.Do you have children in MCC Childcare?
13.If yes, how would you evaluate MCC Childcare?
14.If you have a child in MCC Childcare, how would you evaluate? Comments.
15.Have you or your family used any other programs at the MCC besides Language Skills?
16.Would you give your family or friends information about our Language Skills classes and any other programs at the Multicultural Council of Windsor and Essex County?
17.Please write down any other comments or suggestion about the program.