Protect yourself from lead that might be in your plumbing.

In 2021, the EPA updated its Lead and Copper Rule, regulations focused on finding lead in drinking water. It added new measures aimed at lowering potential exposure to lead from plumbing in private homes and businesses.

Under the changes, EPA is requiring that water utilities like SJWD Water District conduct an inventory of all its water service lines, the lines that connect its water mains to customer homes and businesses.

We're also required, for the first time ever, to find out what makes up the plumbing in our customers' private homes and businesses.

This is where we need your help. Inventory work can be a disruptive and costly undertaking. If you can identify the lines yourself, it will likely eliminate the need for a home or office visit and reduce the expense of the inventory work.

This short survey is designed to help you identify what material makes up the plumbing in your home or business. By answering the questions and uploading a photo, no matter what you find, you can quickly and easily tell us if you have a lead line in your home. Even if it's clear you don't have a lead line, we still need your answers.

If you do find lead, you don't need to worry. Our corrosion control additive protects your water by coating your pipes. SJWD will provide you with tips on how to reduce your potential exposure as you will likely move toward removing the lead line from your home or business.

For more information about the EPA's new requirements, you can visit

Question Title

* 1. Service (Property) Information

Question Title

* 2. What year was your home built?

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* 3. To the best of your knowledge, has the water service line to your home or business ever been replaced?

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* 4. If you answered Yes to Question 3, what year was it replaced?

Next, we'd like to ask you to find your water service line and identify it. 

Your water meter is usually located in front of your home near your property line.  To find where your water service line enters your home, walk the shortest path from the water meter to your home.  Now go inside and look around that entry point.  You should find a pipe that is around one inch in diameter and has a flat or circular handle that can turn it off.

Next, follow the steps on the graphic below.

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* 5. What material is your service line?

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* 6. How did you determine what the pipe was made of?

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* 7. If you were able to find the service line, we would like you to take a picture and upload it, so we can confirm what you found.

PDF, PNG, JPG, JPEG file types only.
SJWD Water District would like to thank you for your help with our service line inventory work.

If you have additional questions or are concerned that you may have found a lead service line, please contact the SJWD Water District by email at or by calling (864) 949-2831.