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* You must supply your contact information to receive credit for completion of this information & quiz.

Thank you for your commitment to St. John’s Medical Center (SJMC.)  This information offers a chance to review some important aspects of working at SJMC.  We discuss safety and other important information upon hire and annually thereafter to ensure quality of care and patient safety.

Please also note that the SJMC intranet (internal web page) contains important and timely information for all departments of the hospital.  All of the policies that guide the workings of SJMC are contained in PolicyTech, which is accessed by way of a link located on the home page of the internal web page.  The intranet is updated regularly, and can only be accessed by computers connected to the hospital network.  Outside of the hospital, you may check your hospital e-mail via the public web site,  then by clicking on the “For Staff” tab and accessing your e-mail inbox with the SJMC web mail link.

The intranet contains announcements, clinical information, disaster information, educational offerings and class sign-ups, all hospital policies, and information on quality and safety.  Please note the location of the following links and written references: 

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Important Notice Regarding Internet Phishing Scams

Hospitals are falling victim to email phishing scams.  At one medical center, two employees opened email attachments that contained malicious code that hacked and potentially breached their systems. 

Phishing scams are preventable by having all staff remain diligent on analyzing each email and the following of each email:
1. Verify the sender address is correct (not just the name)

2. Verify the email content is legitimate 

3. Refrain from opening attachments or clicking on links unless you are expecting the email AND have completed steps 1 and 2

4. Forward any suspicious email (Do not open) to the Information Technology department 

SJMC’s email filters prevent malicious emails from entering our system but there are always some that get through because the emails and attachments look like PDFs, Word or Excel documents. 

Email Phishing and Ransomware is becoming more and more prevalent. We need everyone's prompt attention to this to protect our patient and business data. 

Vision, Mission and Values:

The Vision, Mission and Values statement provides guidelines for professional conduct in your role as a member of the SJMC Team.

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Patient-Resident Rights and Responsibilities

All patients/residents will be offered a copy of "Patient's Rights & Responsibilities or Residents Rights & Responsibilities" on admission.

SJMC Patients are provided with a hand-out upon admission.  If a patient/resident is unable to understand or read the Rights and Responsibilities due to his/her illness, language barrier, or handicap, i.e., blindness etc. then the staff should read rights or obtain an Interpreter or if patient requests have a family member/care giver read/interpret. (Reference Communication/Language Barrier) 

A copy of Resident’s Rights & Responsibilities is located:

•       Hallway outside the east dining room of the Living Center.
•       In the Resident admission packet.

Spiritual Care Volunteers

Spiritual Care Volunteers are available 24 hours a day to provide non-denominational spiritual support to patients, residents, and families.  Responsibilities include listening, praying if requested, contacting a clergy member if needed, or simply visiting with someone in need of company.  Spiritual Care Volunteers can be reached through the hospital operator. 

HCAHPS: How is Customer Service Measured?

SJMC uses a company called NRC Picker to survey patients after discharge. Part of the survey is the government HCAHPS (pronounced H-CAPS) survey.  HCAHPS stands for Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers & Systems.

The HCAHPS survey is a national survey that reports on how the patient views their hospital care. It allows consumers to compare hospitals based on how well they meet the patients’ needs and expectations. Hospital scores are publicly reported by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services on its Hospital Compare website (

The survey‘s 27 questions focus on the care experiences that are meaningful to patients:

•         Communication with doctors
•         Communication with nurses
•         Communication about medications
•         Responsiveness of hospital staff
•         Pain management
•         Quality of discharge instructions
•         Cleanliness of hospital environment
•         Quiet of hospital environment 

All of these items add some value to our customers’ lives in a meaningful way. The end result is satisfied and cared-for patients and families along with positive outcomes for staff, our community and SJMC.

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* St. John’s Policies are located in PolicyTech and can be accessed via the SJMC intranet (internal web page).

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* Internet Phishing Scams are becoming more prevalent in healthcare and are preventable by analyzing each email for the following:

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* St. John’s Mission and Vision is:

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* Volunteers are available 24 hours a day for patients spiritual care needs?