Customer Survey

Your feedback helps us to continue providing products and services that make a difference for your business. 

Thank you for your time and valuable feedback.

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* 1. Contact Info

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* 2. Please rate the overall VALUE that Equi-Analytical provides to you and your business.

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* 3. Please rate your level of TRUST in Equi-Analtyical.

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* 4. How much EFFORT do you need to make to do business with Equi-Analytical?

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* 5. Please rate Equi-Analytical's staff (professionalism, responsiveness, knowledge, etc.).

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* 6. How likely are you to recommend Equi-Analytical products and services to your friends and colleagues?

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* 7. If you selected an 8 or lower, what could we do differently to bring your response up to a 9 or 10?

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* 8. If you could change one thing about your Equi-Analytical service, what would it be?

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* 9. Do we have permission to print your comments?

Thank you!