Holy Rosary School fundraising - have your say

1.What current fundraising activities does your family enjoy?(Required.)
2.Are there are other fundraising activities you suggest for Holy Rosary?
3.Do you have capacity to volunteer to organise fundraising activities at Holy Rosary? e.g. Lead logistics, rally volunteers, secure sponsorships, manage events, purchase goods, organise payment tools.(Required.)
4.Do you have capacity to volunteer on the day of a fundraising event? e.g. serve food, help set up or unpack stalls, cook sausages.(Required.)
5.Mark any of these fundraising options that you would be happy to see at Holy Rosary?
Note, these models are all examples from other schools.
6.Should there be social gatherings for parents, and/or families, that don't involve a fundraising component?(Required.)
7.Would you be interested in volunteering on a group that organises social events for parents/families? (No fundraising requirements.)(Required.)
8.Share any further comments or thoughts related to fundraising or social activities at Holy Rosary.