Testing DSPs Post Training Survey Question Title * 1. Did this session meet your expectations? Yes Somewhat No Question Title * 2. Name, Organization, and Email Name Company Email Address Question Title * 3. What are tests for Covid-19 Antigen Tests Antibody Tests Both A and B Question Title * 4. Which Covid-19 test is recommended to find out if you are infected now? Antigen tests Antibody tests Question Title * 5. If my test was negative, can I be sure I am okay? A single negative test does not mean you are safe; you need to take precautions if you were in close contact with someone who has a confirmed infection. Covid-19 tests are 100% reliable so you should be fine Question Title * 6. If I was wearing my PPE around a resident who tested positive, do I need a test? Yes, get tested right away PPE protects everyone so you will never need testing CDC does not recommend testing (beyond the routine testing recommended by your group home manager) after contact with an infected person as long as you are wearing full PPE (gown, gloves, mask, and eye protection.) Question Title * 7. If I test positive, what should I do? Self isolate for 10 days after your symptoms start and 24 hours after your last fever. Get retested each week for a month Get retested each month for six months Question Title * 8. If I attended a gathering of more than 10 people and some were not wearing masks should I be tested? No Probably Question Title * 9. What else should I do if I have been to a gathering with more than 10 people, some of whom were not wearing masks? Don't worry as long as you were outside As long as you stayed less than 15 minutes, you should be safe If your health care provider has you tested, you should self-isolate until you get your test results back Question Title * 10. If someone in your home tests positive, will Direct Service Providers be tested? You should be tested once You should be tested if someone in the group home tests positive and testing should be repeated until the outbreak is over Next