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Dear fellow South Carolinian, 

We recognize that receiving diverse feedback is critical to improving the future of health and environmental services in our state. The Task Force to Strengthen the Health and Promote the Environment of South Carolina (SHaPE SC) is seeking your feedback on how we can help shape a better future for the health of the public and the environment in South Carolina.   

If you’re interested in sharing your constructive input with the task force, please submit your comments via the form below by August 30, 2021. Although comments will be made available to task force members and published online, your individual responses will remain anonymous.    

Please note, for the purpose of this task force, health refers to both physical and behavioral health.

We appreciate your honest and thoughtful feedback as we work together to improve health and environmental services for all South Carolinians.  

In addition to sharing your thoughts, please also help us get the word out by sharing this survey link with others in your networks.   

Question Title

* 1. How is our state doing now when it comes to delivering health and environmental services?

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* 2. What are our state's greatest challenges to delivering effective, efficient, and accessible health and environmental services in the future?

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* 3. If you could improve 1-3 things about our state's health and environmental services, what would they be and how do you recommend they be implemented to best serve our residents? 

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