The Balmoral Group, an Economics and Civil Engineering Consulting firm out of Winter Park, Florida, has been contracted by St. Johns County to better understand how people use the Summer Haven River area and how that has changed over time. This survey should take 10 minutes of your time, and all responses remain anonymous and are aggregated for the study’s purposes.
Your feedback is very important to this study – Thank you for your time and input!
For more information, please see the St. Johns County’s Summer Haven Study Webpage.
Background Questions

The term “Summer Haven Area” in this survey refers to the areas approximately two miles north and south of the unincorporated community of Summer Haven, Florida in the southeast corner of St. Johns County, Florida.

Please see the image below.
A map with the Outlined area zoomed in is located here.

Question Title


Question Title

* 1. Do you own or manage a business in the Summer Haven area or within 10 miles of the Summer Haven River Area or within 10 miles of the Summer Haven River Area?