Sustainable Health Review Implementation
The Sustainable Health Review is a significant reform program which began implementation in earnest from July 2020.
There are some bold targets and exciting opportunities in the Sustainable Health Review:
- Increasing the spend on preventative health from its current level of about 1.1% to 5% by 2029,
- Telehealth consultations for 65% per cent of outpatient services for country patients by July 2022 (almost unthinkable before COVID-19)
- Working outside of the health system, across human services sectors to better address social determinants of health is a key underpinning strategy
- Recommendation Four - Citizen and Community Engagement is a key lever for ongoing development of greater engagement with consumers, carers and the community
It is our state's COVID-19 health recovery plan.
What do YOU think? This survey is just an open text response if you have questions, thoughts and ideas that you want to share.
What do YOU think? This survey is just an open text response if you have questions, thoughts and ideas that you want to share.