Low-dose methotrexate for the treatment of inflammatory arthritis - webinar evaluation

Thank you for participating in this SHPA webinar. Please take a few minutes to complete our survey. We are interested to hear your feedback on the webinar and appreciate your time and assistance. Your responses are confidential and will be reported in an aggregated, de-identified format. The questionnaire will take approximately 5 minutes to complete.

Participation in this survey is voluntary. By completing the questionnaire, you are providing implied consent for your responses to be used for evaluation purposes.

If you have any questions please contact Joanne Weaver on jdewever@shpa.org.au.

This project has ethics approval from the Central Adelaide Local Health Network Human Research Ethics Committee (Reference number: 13647). If you have any concerns about how the study is being conducted or the consent process, please contact the committee on (08) 7117 2224.

1.Which of the following best describes your role?(Required.)
2.Please rate your overall satisfaction with this activity:(Required.)
3.The information presented during the webinar supported the achievement of each of the learning objectives(Required.)
4.Please rate the degree to which this webinar was relevant to your practice:(Required.)
5.The mode of delivery was suitable for the activity(Required.)
6.Please indicate your level of agreement or disagreement with the following statements about your knowledge of the treatment of inflammatory arthritis. 

Select the responses most consistent with your position both NOW and BEFORE participating in the webinar.
Early treatment of inflammatory arthritis is associated with better outcomes
Methotrexate is the first line treatment of choice for inflammatory arthritis
Low-dose methotrexate given once weekly is not considered chemotherapy
Patients can be switched to subcutaneous methotrexate if oral therapy fails
The appropriate dose of folic acid is at least 5mg per week
7.After participating in this webinar, are you more confident in:(Required.)
Addressing patient misconceptions about methotrexate therapy for inflammatory arthritis
Addressing misconceptions of other healthcare practitioners about methotrexate therapy for inflammatory arthritis
8.How useful will the following resources be in supporting your practice?(Required.)
Very useful
Somewhat useful
Not useful 
CATAG position statement on the use of low-dose methotrexate
Low-dose methotrexate patient action plan
9.Please indicate the level of change you believe the webinar will have on the following areas of your practice:(Required.)
I intend to change my practice
Reinforced my current practice (no change necessary)
I don't intend to change my practice
Discussing with patients the role of methotrexate in treating inflammatory arthritis
Discussing patients' concerns and misconceptions about the use of methotrexate therapy for inflammatory arthritis
Encouraging persistence and adherence to methotrexate therapy for inflammatory arthritis
Discussing the use and appropriate dosing of folic acid with patients
Promoting adherence to folic acid to reduce the incidence of GI side effects
10.Please comment on any other areas of your practice you intend to change following this webinar.
11.Please provide any other comments you have on the webinar