Langley Local Immigration Partnership - Employer Survey |
What is the Langley Local Immigration Partnership?
The Langley Local Immigration Partnership (LIP) is a federally funded community planning table that includes local government, settlement and community agencies, education providers, local businesses, and others.
What is the purpose of this survey?
Immigrant employment barriers, issues and challenges have been the focus of countless studies. Most reports have viewed these challenges through the eyes of immigrants and immigrant serving organizations. Few, however, have applied a business or employer lens to the issues. This employer-focused survey will play a vital role in determining the challenges faced by Greater Langley businesses in attraction, recruitment, onboarding, and retention of immigrant talent. Findings will aid the development of a comprehensive Langley Settlement Strategic Plan that identifies barriers and challenges and recommends approaches, tactics, and strategies to address and overcome those challenges.
The principal questions that drive this research are:
1. What are the challenges faced by Greater Langley employers in attracting, recruiting, onboarding, and retaining immigrant workers?
2. What are the approaches, tactics, and strategies to address and overcome these challenges?
The principal questions that drive this research are:
1. What are the challenges faced by Greater Langley employers in attracting, recruiting, onboarding, and retaining immigrant workers?
2. What are the approaches, tactics, and strategies to address and overcome these challenges?
Who should respond?
We request that an employer representative who can accurately provide human resource information pertaining to your organization should complete the survey. All information will be maintained in strict confidence according to federal and provincial privacy legislation. All responses collected in this survey are anonymous and confidential and will only be reported in the aggregate. Anonymity will be maintained in reporting of results. You have the option of completing part of the survey and returning to it at any time or withdrawing from the survey at any point.
This survey should take about 15 minutes to complete.
Please submit your responses by March 21, 2022.
Please submit your responses by March 21, 2022.
If you have any questions or require assistance completing this survey, please contact Trevor Van Eerden at 604-765-4621 or trevor.vaneerden@peersonline.ca.