Johnson Central Summer School Registration, 2022

Please, complete this survey to register for Summer School, 2022. Slots are limited. Register today.

If you have any questions, contact
Misty Goble
1.What is your name?
2.What grade were you in this school year? (2021-2022)
3.Do you need credit recovery in Math?
4.Do you need credit recovery in English?
5.Do you need credit recovery in Social Studies?
6.Do you need credit recovery in science?
7.Do you need credit recovery in any CTE courses tied to your major?
8.Have you completed any repeat courses required for high school graduation? (repeated during the school year, summer school, Acellus, etc)
9.During Summer School, do you plan to participate in the Enrichment offerings: included First Aid, Tractor Driving, Forensics, Computer Gaming, Crafts, Culinary, Mentoring, Community Service,  etc?
10.Are you interested in taking advanced credit classes to free spots in your schedule for Honors, Advanced Placement, Dual Credit, or other Pre College Classes?