The COSA Steering Committee would appreciate your thoughts and ideas. Please take a few minutes to complete this survey.

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* 1. Timing of the COSA Conference. What time of year is best for you? Please rank your top three months.

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* 2. What would be the ideal length of the conference?

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* 3. What side of the week is best for you? Choose only one.

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* 4. How far would you be willing to travel for the conference? You may choose more than one option.

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* 5. If the cost of the conference were to increase by $25, would that affect your ability to attend?

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* 6. Would you be interested in a social event the day or evening before the conference?

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* 7. Would you be interested in a full-day field trip the day before or day after the core conference?

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* 8. What if this field trip had an extra fee, would you still be interested?

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* 9. What conference themes interest you?

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* 10. Who would you recommend for engaging and relevant keynote speakers?

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* 11. Would you be interested in having a formal program or speaker during the network dinner?

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* 12. Do you know of organizations that might want to be a sponsor of the conference? Please list name and contact information if possible.

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* 13. Would you be willing to host mid-year programs such as lunch and learns or field trips? If you answered yes, please provide your topic ideas along with your contact information.

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* 14. What mid-year program topics interest you?

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* 15. Are you aware that the COSA conference has different strand sessions (themes throughout)? Examples: Rangers; Directors and Board Members; Education and Outreach; Volunteers; Resource Management; Acquisitions.

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* 16. Do you find the strand sessions worthwhile?

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* 17. Do you have ideas for additional strand sessions?

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* 18. Would you stay through to the end of the conference if it ended with a lunch/keynote speaker or a raffle?

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* 19. What are some other ideas we could use to inspire people to stay through the end of the conference?

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* 20. Do you have any other comments or thoughts that you would like to share?