Informed Consent

Title of Study: The Moderating Effect of Promotive Factors on Belonging for BIPOC Sexual and Gender Minority College Students

You are invited to participate in a research study conducted by Brian Bogert, a graduate student in the Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership program at Wilkes University. Please read the information below prior to proceeding. You may contact Brian to ask questions before deciding to participate using either of the methods below.

Phone: (570) 332-5056
Background and Purpose of the Study: This study seeks to investigate the impact that self-compassion and social support may have in reducing the negative effects of stigma-related stress on sense of belonging at college for BIPOC sexual and gender minority college students.

Study Procedures and Time Involvement: The first few questions will be used to determine your eligibility to participate in this study. If you are eligible, the survey should take you about 10 to 15 minutes to complete.

Benefits and Risks: For your time as a participant in this study, you can enter a drawing to win one of five $50 gift cards. Your feedback will help to inform programming at four-year colleges for supporting a sense of belonging among BIPOC sexual and gender minority students.

Although a few of the questions are required, you may skip any other questions which you are uncomfortable answering. If you experience any anxiety or distress while taking the survey, please reach out to a trained counselor, such as those available through The Trevor Project or mental health resources available through the NAMI helpline.

Confidentiality: All responses will remain anonymous. Data from participation will be stored on a password-protected computer accessed only by the principal investigator.

Your Rights as a Participant: Your participation is voluntary. You have the right to withdraw your consent or discontinue participation at any time without penalty or loss of benefits to which you are entitled.

Deciding Whether to Participate: If you have read the information above and consent to participate, please click the button below to proceed.
10% of survey complete.