About LELAN:

LELAN is the independent peak body in South Australia by, for and with people with lived experience of mental distress, social issues or injustice. Our purpose is to amplify the voice, influence and leadership of people with lived experience to drive systemic change. LELAN has led philanthropic, state and federally funded projects as well as completed commissioned pieces of work.

LELAN’s systemic advocacy targets the mental health and social sectors in South Australia, whilst our thought leadership and expertise on lived experience expertise and leadership is borderless.

LELAN has three external facing strategic pillars: 
  • Developing the capability and influence of people with lived experience. 
  • Nurturing organisational and sector capacity for partnering with people with lived experience, and
  • Impacting system improvement agendas to benefit people with lived experience.

Membership Categories:

LELAN has three membership categories:
  • Individual Member (South Australian consumer only).
    • Any person 16 years of age that resides in South Australia, identifies as having personal lived experience of mental distress, social issues or injustice (a consumer) and supports the values, vision, purpose and work of LELAN.
    • These members have voting rights and can nominate to be on the LELAN Board.
  • Associate Member (individual carer, ally or non-South Australian consumer only).
    • Any person 16 years of age that identifies as a carer, family, kin or other supporter of choice for a person with lived experience, is an ally to the consumer movement or identifies as a consumer though resides in a state/territory other than South Australiaand supports the values, vision, purpose and work of LELAN.
  • Organisational Member.
    • If you work for or represent an aligned group or organisation please email info@lelan.org.au to request Organisational Member information and nomination form.

Additional information about LELAN's membership can be accessed here. If you have any further questions or would like to discuss a different payment arrangement please contact the LELAN team via info@lelan.org.au or 0431 953 526. 

Please note that your responses below are used by LELAN to increase our understanding of who is engaging with our organisation, projects and work. As an organisation we are committed to including diverse perspectives and ensuring that various identities and experiences that people bring to the lived experience community are recognised. We will not disclose personal and/or identifying information about a person without their consent or in a way that they do not agree with. You have the option of providing no response if uncomfortable or unsure of disclosing this information, particularly for questions three and four.

Question Title

* 1. Your details:

Question Title

* 3. Are you already a member with LELAN? If you are renewing an existing membership, you can select Yes here then skip to Question 10. If you are unsure if your membership is still current please email the team via info@lelan.org.au or call 0431 953 526.

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* 4. Some information about the way you personally identify (please tick as many as apply):

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* 5. Some information about your personal lived experience (please check as many as apply)

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* 6. If you are a person with lived experience, what opportunities for involvement and/or using your lived experience for change are you interested in being part of (please tick as many as apply):

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* 7. What is important to you about being a member of LELAN?

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* 8. What advocacy and strategic priorities do you think LELAN should pursue over the next 12-months?

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* 9. If you could suggest one radical or innovative idea for how to improve things for people experiencing mental distress, social issues or injustice in South Australia what would you suggest?

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* 10. A couple of final things for us to check off:

Thank you for nominating to be a member of LELAN and believing in the work we do.
Membership applications are presented to the Board for final approval. The Board meets every six weeks throughout the year . Once your application has been accepted we will send out a welcome pack. Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions via info@lelan.org.au or 0431 953 526.