Children's Recess and Inclusive Social Interaction

The survey has 10 questions and will take 2-5 minutes to complete.

We are UX design students at the University of North Texas studying how recess fosters inclusive social interactions between children, especially between students with disabilities and their peers.
Your responses will help us understand and improve social engagement during recess. All responses are anonymous and for research purposes only.
1.Do children in special education and general education have recess at the same time?
2.Where do children with disabilities typically spend their recess time?
3.Are children with disabilities given opportunities to choose how they spend their recess time?
4.How does your school ensure that all children, regardless of ability, are included in recess activities?
5.Do you find it challenging to encourage interactions between disabled and non disabled students?
6.Do you believe that your school's current recess structure promotes inclusive socialization for all children?
7.Is there a designated area in the playground that is accessible to children with disabilities?
8.Do you think that more adaptive or inclusive playground equipment would improve socialization opportunities?
9.Based on your observations, at what age do students typically begin to prefer calmer play activities over using playground equipment?
10.Can you share any successful strategies or programs your school has implemented to encourage interaction between children with disabilities and their peers during recess?