The Communications and Marketing Department’s goal is to keep you informed and help you communicate effectively about Cooper as well as position, promote, and protect the health system’s brand. Please take a few minutes to answer this survey to help us better serve you and Cooper. Thank you for your assistance.

Question Title

* 1. How would you rate the overall effectiveness of Cooper's internal (team member) communications?

Question Title

* 2. Why did you give internal (team member) communications that rating?

Question Title

* 3. Please rank the internal communications channels below in order of their effectiveness in keeping you informed.

Question Title

* 4. If you use Pulse+ (either phone app or website), how would you rate the content?

Question Title

* 5. If you use Pulse+, what type of content would you like to see more often?

Question Title

* 6. Please rate the quality and effectiveness of Cooper's external (public) marketing and advertising.

  Poor Fair Good Excellent Have not seen/heard
Television commercials
Radio commercials
Digital advertising (online advertising)
Social media advertising
Direct mail
Email marketing
Cooper's consumer website (
Health Connection (mailed newsletter)
Print ads

Question Title

* 7. Overall, how would you rate the effectiveness of Cooper's external (public) marketing and advertising?

Question Title

* 8. Why did you give external (public) marketing that rating?

Question Title

* 9. Which of the following messages have you heard or seen in Cooper’s external (public) marketing and advertising? (Select all that apply)

Question Title

* 10. What, if any, messages do you believe should be included in our marketing that we are not using currently?

Thank you for your feedback.