WIN a $100 EFTPOS CARD with the Caravan Camping Classifieds Survey!

All Questions in this survey must be answered to be eligible to WIN.
At Caravan Camping Classifieds we are striving to offer you a better service all the time, helping you sell your old Caravan, Camper, Motorhome Easier & Faster and/or help you find your new one! please fill out our survey so we can help you better!

Question Title

* 1. Are you Male or Female?

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* 2. How old are you?

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* 3. Where best describes where you live?

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* 4. How far are you likely to travel to find/buy right Caravan / RV?

Question Title

* 5. When are you likely to BUY your next Caravan, Camper Trailer, Motorhome, RV etc

Question Title

* 6. When you purchase a Caravan, Camper, RV - what will it be?

Question Title

* 7. When you purchase your next caravan / camper / motorhome / RV which of the following will you do?

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* 8. If you were to buy an Caravan / Camper / Motorhome / RV, how much would you likely spend?

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* 9. How will you likely PAY for your next Caravan / RV? (tick all that might apply)

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* 10. Do you have any of the following 'under lease or finance' at the moment?

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* 11. Do you or your anyone in your household currently own any of the following? (tick all that apply)

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* 12. Do you intend to purchase a Caravan / Camper / Motorhome / RV or any other Trailable product in the next 12 months? (tick all that apply / you are considering)

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* 13. When researching Caravans/RV's to BUY which of the following Classifieds websites do you utilize? (tick all that apply)

Question Title

* 14. Which of these Caravan Camping Classifieds resources have you used in the last 12 months?

  All the time Sometimes Not at all
CCC Weekly e-Newsletters
CCC Facebook Page
CCC National Monthly Buyers Guide
CCC Regulat HOT DEAL e-Newsletters
CCC Instagram Page
CCC Website

Question Title

* 15. If / When you buy your next Caravan / RV - Where are you most likely to make your purchase?

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* 16. When researching your next Caravan/RV purchase where will you look / what services etc are you likely to use? (tick all that apply)

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* 17. What types of media and specific media brands below are your preferred sources for reliable reviews & Information on Caravans/RVs/Campers/Motorhomes and the Caravanning Lifestyle? (tick all that apply)

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* 18. If / When you BUY a Caravan / Camper / RV / Motorhome, what BRAND is at the TOP of your SHOPPING LIST? (please type ONE BRAND name in to the comment box below)

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* 19. What BRAND of Tow Vehicle do you currently use, or intend to use to tow your Caravan / Camper etc? (please type ONE BRAND - not the Model!!!, just the BRAND name in the comment box below!)

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* 20. Which of the following is most likely your situation when you purchase your next Caravan / Camper / Towable Product?

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* 21. Do you have any suggestions on how we can improve your experience on Caravan Camping Classifieds?

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* 22. To go in the draw to WIN a $100 EFTPOS Card, please answer the following:

Question Title

* 23. Would you like to receive more information / regular e-mails to keep you to date with the following: