Question Title

* 1. Describe the role of the school in the
parish community.

Question Title

* 2. Describe your role in helping to
maintain and deepen the Catholic 
character and atmosphere(Catholic
Identity) of the school.

Question Title

* 3. Evaluate the teaching of Religion in 
your school in terms of:  a. Amount of 
time given to the actual religious
instruction b.  Content of the program
c.  Theological/catechetical 
preparation of teachers d.  formation of
responsible Catholics

Question Title

* 4. Do you have any suggestions for
improvements in any of these areas?

Question Title

* 5. Describe the pastor's role in the hiring 
and termination of staff.

Question Title

* 6. How effective is the school board on
supporting high achievement of all

Question Title

* 7. Describe the effectiveness of your
communication with the principal

Question Title

* 8. Describe the roll and function of the 
school board.

Question Title

* 9. Describe the degree of parental
involvement in the school

Question Title

* 10. How effective are parents in supporting
high achievement of all students?

Question Title

* 11. How do parents support high 
achievement of all students?

Question Title

* 12. Describe how the school's mission,
philosophy, and Schoolwide Learning
Expectations define the school's 
purpose and are a lived reality of the 

Question Title

* 13. Describe the role of the Pastor, school 
board, and parent board in the
annual budget process.

Question Title

* 14. List the school's most effective areas
for supporting high achievement for 

Question Title

* 15. List the school's greatest area for 