100% of survey complete.

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* 1. What episode did you start with when you first listened to D&R?

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* 2. Are you currently caught up with D&R?

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* 3. What do you feel is the strongest part of the show?

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* 4. What do you feel is the weakest part of the show?

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* 5. Are you subscribed to our Patreon?

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* 6. Of our current Patreon content, please list what you feel is the most interesting to the least interesting.

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* 7. Is there something we could do to improve any current Patreon content in your eyes?

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* 8. What are things that you’d like to see us add to our Patreon feed?

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* 9. How do you feel about our current Patreon tiers?

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* 10. Have you recommended our podcast to friends or family? If so, how did you pitch it? If not, is there a reason holding you back?

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* 11. If you could change something about the actual D&R podcast, what would it be?

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* 12. Do you listen to GMT?

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* 13. If Good Morning Theria were to be on a separate feed, would you subscribe to it?

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* 14. Would a live show where we talk about the episodes we’ve posted during the month with cast and listeners (think “Talking Dead”) be something you would be interested in?

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* 15. If the feed were to move back to three episodes a month and the Talking-Dead style show on the final Monday, how would you feel?

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* 16. What are some ways we could help improve the community and discussion?