Talbot County Parks & Recreation Survey 2020

1.In what ZIP code do you reside? (enter 5-digit ZIP code)
2.In the past 2 years, what aspects of Talbot County Parks & Recreation have you or your immediate family utilized? (Select all that apply)
3.How do you usually hear about Talbot County Parks & Recreation Programs? (Select all that apply)
4.If you or an immediate family member participated in a Talbot County Recreation program, how satisfied were you with the quality of the program? (ex. Skate with Santa, Field Hockey League, Skating Lessons, etc.)
5.How satisfied are you with the variety of programs offered by Talbot County Parks & Recreation? 
6.Please provide suggestions for new recreation programs you would like to see offered: 
7.Have you or your family ever received financial assistance to participate in one of the Talbot County Recreation Programs? 
8.How do you typically register to participate in a program? 
9.If you or your immediate family uses a Talbot County Public Landing, how would you rate the condition?
10.Please provide suggestions to improve the county landings:
11.How often do you visit our county parks or multipurpose fields (ex. Perry Cabin Park, Home Run Baker, Cordova Community Park, etc.)
12.What Talbot County Park(s) do you use the most often? (Select all that apply)
13.Please indicate the recreational activities you and your family uses the county parks for (Select all that apply):
14.If you or your immediate family uses any Talbot County Park, how would you rate the condition?
15.Please provide suggestions to improve or additional amenities you would like to see to the Talbot County Parks:
16.Any other comments, suggestions, concerns, or ideas for ways Talbot County Parks & Recreation can assist in improving Talbot County?