Texas SFST Refresher Student Survey

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* 1. I have ____ years of Law Enforcement experience.

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* 2. After completing the Texas SFST 8-hour Refresher Course, I feel more confident in determining whether to arrest a driver for DWI.

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* 3. I use my SFST skills more frequently than I did prior to taking the Texas SFST Refresher Course.

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* 4. I feel that this training has improved my ability to interact with prosecutors in regard to DWI cases.

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* 5. I have found this training to be beneficial in conducting my DWI enforcement duties.

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* 6. I feel more confident in handling challenges from defense counsel in DWI cases after completing the Texas SFST Refresher Course.

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* 7. Since taking the SFST Refresher Course, I have conducted the SFSTs according to the standardized guidelines set forth in the training.

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* 8. I would like to attend other DWI related training courses.

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* 9. I would recommend this training to other police officers.