Winter Wonderland Survey 2021

1.What is your overall satisfaction of the "Winter Wonderland of Art" Fishers Arts Council portion of the event?(Required.)
Not Satisfied
Somewhat unsatisfied
Somewhat Satisfied
Very Satisfied
2.Select all the mediums you enjoyed today.(Required.)
3.What did you think about the number of artists present today?(Required.)
Not Enough
Just Right
Too Many
4.Were any mediums missing?(Required.)
5.Did you participate in either of the classes today?(Required.)
6.How did you hear about this event?(Required.)
7.You identify as:(Required.)
8.What is your age? (Required.)
9.What could be improved/ would you like to advise us or be a part of future event planning? Also, did you know that FAC is NOT managed by the City of Fishers? 
10.Find out about future events. Share your email:
Current Progress,
0 of 10 answered