Do you have access to reliable transportation to and from school?
Do you have access to reliable childcare while you are at school?
Does caring for a parent or other family member interfere with your school work?
Do you have challenges with securing affordable housing?
Do you have access to enough food to feed yourself (and your family, if applicable)?
Do you have challenges with paying for tuition?
Are you able to purchase your textbooks at the beginning of the semester?
Does your physical health interfere with school work?
Do you have a disability (diagnosed or undiagnosed) that impacts your school work?
Do you have access to services to address a disability?
Do you have access to medical care when you need it?
Do you get regular exercise?
Does your mental health interfere with school work?
Do you have access to mental health counseling if you need it?
Does drinking and/or drug use interfere with your school work?
Are you safe in your relationships?
Do you have people in your life that support your success in school?
Do you have access to help with legal issues, including citizenship issues, if you need it?