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* 1. I am interested in signing my child up for Summer Credit Recovery that runs June 5th - June 30th Mon-Friday 8am-Noon. (if your answer is "No" then skip to Submit button.)
Please note that USD234 is providing breakfast, snacks, and lunch during Summer Credit Recovery in June.

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* 2. My child is a ________ for the upcoming 2023-2024 school year.

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* 3. My child's First and Last Name is

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* 4. I want to enroll my child in one of the following courses for credit recovery:

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* 5. I give permission for my child to participate in field trips during the summer credit recovery time. These trips will be to local destinations. 

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* 6. Please indicate your child's t-shirt size

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FSHS Credit Recovery June 2023

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* 7. What is your address?

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* 8. Does your Child need bus transportation to and from summer school?