Help Us Select 3 Artists To Perform At SoulFest:
If you're anything like us, you love discovering new music. Here's your chance! We had the pleasure of reviewing over 80 bands and artist submission from all over our nation. We narrowed it down to our top 12 and are now putting it to vote. You get to decide the top 3 acts that will win a performance opportunity at SoulFest 2017!
Instructions to participate:
Review each artist / band's music by clicking on their names. (A new window will pop up for you to watch & listen). Then select up to three of your favorites. The top three will win a performance slot at SoulFest. The number one choice will get a Revival Stage (main stage) slot and a free day of recording at HALO STUDIOS in South Windham, ME!
Voting closes on Sunday, March 19th. Visit http://www.thesoulfest.com/artists for full artist lineup.