WPCC SEND Information Event - February 2025 |
Online Booking System - WPCC Information Event
The event is being held on Friday 7th February 2025, at The Civic Centre, Trowbridge from 10.00am - 2.00pm (Registration is from 9.30am).
Here is what you can look forward to on the day...
Here is what you can look forward to on the day...
Opening Presentation - Information/Service Update
Becoming a regular feature of our Information Events, the Welcome, housekeeping and overview of the day will be followed by a short information/update presentation.
At this event, the information/update presentation will talk about the Neurodevelopmental Pathway and the Needs-Led Approach. The Neurodevelopmental Pathway is an assessment only service for children and young people who are showing possible signs of autism and/or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). The Needs Led Approach has been developed with families, children/young people and education settings to: -
· help understand more about a person’s strengths and needs
· help understand how to help
A Needs-Led Approach will usually be completed with home and school together, ensuring the views and experiences of families rightly inform the process. It is hoped that this approach will help everyone to understand whether an assessment will meet the needs that have been identified.
Information Workshop Session!
There will be an Information Workshop that will be repeated twice in the day. This will be delivered by colleagues at Wiltshire Council who will explain what the ‘Local Offer’ in Wiltshire is and how to use it to access and understand some of the SEND information, structures and support available in Wiltshire.
(Limited spaces available - first come first served)
Information Stands from over 40 different services!
We are anticipating over 40 services and providers to attend and promote information about the services and support they offer. This will be in our popular Market Place, where you will be able to walk amongst the information stands, talk to providers and find out more about what may be on offer to support your child or young person.
FREE Tea, Coffee & Cakes for attendees!
There will be a refreshment area open throughout the event, so that all attendees can take a rare opportunity to sit with a free cup of tea or coffee and cake while chatting with other parent carers, helping you to realise that you are not alone and enabling you to meet other people who understand what it is like to be a parent carer.
Becoming a regular feature of our Information Events, the Welcome, housekeeping and overview of the day will be followed by a short information/update presentation.
At this event, the information/update presentation will talk about the Neurodevelopmental Pathway and the Needs-Led Approach. The Neurodevelopmental Pathway is an assessment only service for children and young people who are showing possible signs of autism and/or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). The Needs Led Approach has been developed with families, children/young people and education settings to: -
· help understand more about a person’s strengths and needs
· help understand how to help
A Needs-Led Approach will usually be completed with home and school together, ensuring the views and experiences of families rightly inform the process. It is hoped that this approach will help everyone to understand whether an assessment will meet the needs that have been identified.
Information Workshop Session!
There will be an Information Workshop that will be repeated twice in the day. This will be delivered by colleagues at Wiltshire Council who will explain what the ‘Local Offer’ in Wiltshire is and how to use it to access and understand some of the SEND information, structures and support available in Wiltshire.
(Limited spaces available - first come first served)
Information Stands from over 40 different services!
We are anticipating over 40 services and providers to attend and promote information about the services and support they offer. This will be in our popular Market Place, where you will be able to walk amongst the information stands, talk to providers and find out more about what may be on offer to support your child or young person.
FREE Tea, Coffee & Cakes for attendees!
There will be a refreshment area open throughout the event, so that all attendees can take a rare opportunity to sit with a free cup of tea or coffee and cake while chatting with other parent carers, helping you to realise that you are not alone and enabling you to meet other people who understand what it is like to be a parent carer.
Please continue to book your place!