O programu BELL+ Saveti i trikovi za polaganje TOEFL testa
About the BELL+ TOEFL Tips and Tricks

BELL+ Saveti i trikovi za polaganje TOEFL testa je besplatni program upoznavanja polaznika sa strukturom TOEFL testa i pružanja saveta o načinima efikasne pripreme u cilju postizanja što boljih rezultata.  Program je namenjen polaznicima koji solidno vladaju engleskim jezikom (B2 i viši nivoi) i sastoji se od pet devedesetominutnih predavanja koja se održavaju u prostorijama Američkog kutka u Beogradu, Kragujevcu, Novom Sadu i Vranju.
Program BELL+ Saveti i trikovi za polaganje TOEFL testa pod pokroviteljstvom Ambasade SAD u Srbiji i u saradnji sa Američkim kutkom organizuje Američki savet. 
BELL+ TOEFL Tips and Tricks is free of charge program the aim of which is to introduce the TOEFL test-takers with the TOEFL test parts, to advise them about the methods of efficient preparation in order to achieve the best possible results. The program, intended for English language learners who already have good command of English (B2 and higher levels), consists of five 90-minute classes which are held in the American Corners in Belgrade, Kragujevac, Novi Sad and Vranje.     
BELL+ TOEFL Tips and Tricks, under the auspice of the US Embassy in Serbia, is implemented by the American Councils in collaboration with the American Corners.

Question Title

* 1. Popunjavanjem i podnošenjem ove prijave potvrđujem da sam, ukoliko budem izabran/a za stipendistu programa BELL+ Saveti i trikovi za polaganje TOEFL testa,  spreman/a i voljan/a  da aktivno učestvujem u svim predavanjima  (ukupno 5) i ispunjavam svoje obaveze u vezi sa njima. 

By completing and submitting this application, I confirm my commitment in participating actively in BELL+ TOEFL Tips and Tricks program (5 lessons in total), should I be selected as a BELL+ scholarship winner.

Question Title

* 2. Razumem da popunjavanje i podnošenje ove prijave ne garantuje da ću dobiti  stipendiju za program BELL+ Saveti i trikovi za polaganje TOEFL testa.

I understand that completion and submission of this application does not guarantee selection as a winner of the BELL+ TOEFL Tips and Tricks program scholarship.

Question Title

* 3. Vaši podaci / Applicant details:

Question Title

* 4. Označite odgovor koji nabliže opisuje vaš radni status / Please select the answer that best describes your status.

Question Title

* 5. Da li ste učlanjeni u Američki kutak u Vašem gradu? (Ukoliko želite da pohađate program BELL+ Saveti trikovi za polaganje TOEFL testa, prethodno treba da se učlanite u Američki kutak. Učlanjenje je besplatno.)

Are you currently a member of your local American Corner? (Note that in order to qualify for this program, you must become a member before the start of the course. The membership is free of charge.)

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* 6. Koliko često posećujete Američki kutak? / How often do you visit an American Corner?

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* 7. Nivo stručne spreme? / What is the highest level of education you have completed?

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* 8. Opišite dosadašnje iskustvo (formalno ili neformalno) učenja engleskog jezika. / Describe any English language instruction (formal or informal) you have received.

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* 9. Označite koji od dole opisanih nivoa najviše odgovara vašem poznavanju engleskog jezika. / Select the level that best describes your English ability.

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* 10. Zašto želite da se prijavite za program BELL+ Saveti i trikovi za polaganje TOEFL testa? / Why do you wish to participate in BELL+TOEFL Tips and Tricks program?

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* 11. Kada planirate da polažete TOEFL test? / When are you planning to take the TOEFL test?

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* 12. Naznačite Vama geografski najbliži grad u kojem se nalazi Američki kutak. / At which American Corner do you plan to attend the course?