As the Seattle Aquarium launches the search for its next President and Chief Executive Officer, the Search Committee is eager to solicit input from you. Please know that individual responses are anonymous and will be aggregated by our search consultants at Spencer Stuart. We appreciate your candor and encourage you to comment in the spaces provided. We want to be respectful of your time; this survey should take 10 to 15 minutes. It will be helpful if you can complete this survey no later than midnight PST on Monday, October 28. Your input is critically important to ensuring the success of this search.

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* 1. What is your current affiliation with the Seattle Aquarium? (Choose the one that is most current)

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* 2. What is distinctive about the Seattle Aquarium that must be preserved?

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* 3. What are the opportunities for the Seattle Aquarium to be an even more impactful organization in the future?

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* 4. What do you believe should be the top priorities during the first three to five years of the next President & CEO’s tenure?

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* 5. What professional skills, experiences, and competencies are most important for the next President & CEO?

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* 6. Is there anyone you would like to nominate to be the next President & CEO of the Seattle Aquarium?