How Well Do You Think Our Towns Are Thriving?

To limit the scope of our deliberations to a manageable level, "Our Towns" refers to Saugatuck, Douglas, and Saugatuck Township only. (We will include Fennville in the future).

Question Title

* 1. Please consider the statements below and then provide your thoughtful opinion by rating each factor on the scale provided:

  Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree Nor Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree
Divisive National Politics Seem a Distant Concern Here
Residents Can Easily Pick Out Our Local Patriots Who "Make Our Towns Go"
Public-Private Partnerships Are Tackling Real Problems and Opportunities
People Generally Know Our Towns' Civic Story
We Have Vibrant Downtowns
Our Towns Are Near a Research University
Our Towns Have, and Care About, a Community College
Our Towns Have Distinctive and Innovative K-12 Public Schools
Our Towns Make Themselves Open to Newcomers and Outsiders
Our Towns Have Big Plans
We Have an Active Local Craft Brewing/Distilling Scene

Question Title

* 2. Please share your thoughts about your ratings:

Question Title

* 3. Now that you have thought about the conditions that cause our towns to thrive or stagnate, please consider and rate the following list of characteristics of our Rotary Club to help our towns thrive as either strengths or weaknesses (or neither) on the rating scale below. 

  A Clear Weakness A Weakness Neither A Strength A Clear Strength
Familiar Traditions and Rituals
Credibility with City Governments
Committee Leadership
Exciting Projects
Community Awareness of the Club
Breadth of Engagement Among Current Members
Organized and Efficient Administration
Member Diversity
Clear Vision and Mission
Leadership Training Programs
Ability to Recruit Volunteers
Fundraising Prowess
Thinking Big
Community Support for the Club
Club Momentum
Strategic Thinking
Member Skill Sets
Credibility with Donors
Member Training 
Ability to Set and Hit Goals
Credibility with School Administration
Camaraderie Among Members