Feedback Survey

The SBD is seeking resident feedback to inform future expenditures.

Resident Survey 2020

The Central West End Southeast Special Business District (CWE SE SBD) is a special taxing district that is managed by a Mayor-appointed Board of Commissioners, consisting of residents or stakeholders in the District. 
Renewed in 2019, the SBD is now authorized to invest capital beyond its traditional security and public safety budget to include cleaning, landscaping and maintenance, purchase and installation of public infrastructure, and public transportation.
For more information about the Special Business District, please visit

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Central West End Southeast Special Business District Boundaries

Central West End Southeast Special Business District Boundaries

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* 1. Safety and security has always been the top priority for the CWE SE SBD. After that, please rank the priorities in order of the services that you prefer, with your first choice being the most preferred service and the last being your least preferred service.

  1. Trash and Litter Removal
  2. Greenery and Landscaping i.e., planters, flowers, community gardens, etc.
  3. Sidewalk Improvements i.e., ADA ramps, repairs, bike racks, etc.
  4. Improved Lighting for Pedestrians
  5. Public Art i.e., murals, sculptures, etc. 

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* 2. What aspects do you like about this neighborhood?

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* 3. What changes would you like to see the SBD prioritize?

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* 4. How satisfied with the CWE SE SBD are you?

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* 5. Do you have any further comments or questions?