The always popular evening Birds-of-a-Feather (BoF) sessions are very informal gatherings of persons interested in a particular topic. To request a BoF session at the 2016 Storage Developer Conference please provide the information requested below.  Once we have scheduled your BoF we will send you an email confirmation.

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* 1. Please provide your contact information:

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* 2. What is the title of your BoF?

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* 3. Please provide a brief description of your BoF

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* 4. Who will be moderating the BoF (name, job title, company)?

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* 5. Please indicate the preferred day and time of your BoF.  We do support multiple BoFs during the same time in different rooms. We will do our best to accommodate your request.

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* 6. Do you wish to provide refreshments at your BoF?

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* 7. Any additional questions/comments?