Before you begin

Thank you for your interest in joining the hundreds of local organisations in SCVS Membership.
The following form relates to applications for ‘SCVS Member’ status for third sector organisations only – if you wish to apply to be an ‘SCVS Supporter’ please contact Gail at SCVS on 01792 544011 /

Please provide as much information as possible – we won't be able to process your application if you do not complete in full.

It is better to complete the form in one 'sitting' if you can, but as long as you use the same computer, you should be able to close / exit the survey, and re-enter it at a later stage to complete the form using the membership form link on the SCVS website (if you exit before the final 'done' button).

Please allow 10-15 minutes to complete the form in full.

You can 'paste' text into the form using ctrl+v.

You will be asked to upload a copy of your signed constitution / governing document (set of rules for the organisation) in order for your membership to be approved. If this isn't possible, please contact Gail on the details above before you begin.

Question Title

* “I confirm that the organisation applying for SCVS Membership is a constituted third (voluntary / community) sector organisation, providing benefit in City / County of Swansea”