SCTA Annual Member Survey 2017 We value your feedback! Question Title * 1. Please select your age. 12 100 Clear i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale. Question Title * 2. When experiencing SCTA events, you are most often: a spectator a competitor Other (please specify) Question Title * 3. How long have you been a USTA member? Less than (1) year 1 to 3 years 4 to 6 years 7 to 10 years 10+ years Question Title * 4. How many events do you participate in per year? 1 to 3 4 to 6 7 to 10 10+ None Question Title * 5. When traveling to SCTA events, how much do you spend on the overall experience, including lodging, transportation, food & drink, etc. less than $50 $50 to $100 $100 to $150 $150+ Question Title * 6. Please indicate which of our social media platforms you visit regularly. Facebook Instagram SCTA Web Site USTA Web Site Other (please specify) Question Title * 7. How often do you communicate with SCTA via mail, phone, email, or social media? Often Occasionally Rarely Never Question Title * 8. Please rate the quality of your service experience communicating with SCTA staff, including response time, helpfulness, and professionalism. Not Satisfied Very Satisfied Not Satisfied Very Satisfied Please describe a pertinent experience that reflects your answer. Question Title * 9. Please rate the quality of staff performance and interaction at SCTA events that you have attended in the past year. Not Satisfied Very Satisfied Not Satisfied Very Satisfied Describe a pertinent experience that reflects your answer. Question Title * 10. How would you describe the sportsmanship of COMPETITORS exhibited at SCTA events? Admirable Appropriate Needs Attention A Serious Concern Please describe an experience related to competitor sportsmanship at SCTA events. Question Title * 11. How would you describe the sportsmanship of SPECTATORS exhibited at SCTA events? Admirable Appropriate Needs Attention A Serious Concern Please describe an experience related to spectator sportsmanship at SCTA events. Question Title * 12. How likely are you to recommend a friend or colleague to join USTA? Very Likely Somewhat Likely Unlikely Question Title * 13. How likely are you to recommend a friend to participate in SCTA events? Very Likely Somewhat Likely Unlikely Question Title * 14. Overall, please rate your level of satisfaction with SCTA. Not Satisfied Very Satisfied Not Satisfied Very Satisfied Please describe one thing that you would enhance or improve related to your SCTA experience. Done