This is not a Local Lead Application. The 2024 Local Lead Application is closed.

If you fill out this interest form, we will notify you when the 2025 Local Lead Application opens in 2025.

If you have any questions about this form or the NASA International Space Apps Challenge, please contact Thank you!

What is the role of a Space Apps Local Lead?

What is the role of a Space Apps Local Lead? Local Leads organize a local in-person or local virtual Space Apps event for a specific city or town. Local Leads increase awareness of and engagement with the NASA International Space Apps Challenge.

  • Serve as a Local Lead alongside NASA and the Space Apps Global Organizing Team to develop the world’s largest annual global hackathon, with participants and supporting teammates in 160+ countries.
  • Champion Space Apps in your local community, recruiting local coders, scientists, students, artists, storytellers, designers, engineers, data experts and others who may participate during the Space Apps event.
  • Immerse yourself and serve as a thought leader in your city’s space, tech, innovation, and creative communities.
  • Support noteworthy participants in their hackathon journeys. Nominate top projects for judging at the Global level, with Global Nominees, Global Finalists, and Global Winners being recognized by NASA.
  • Coordinate local event logistics - Local Leads are responsible for providing, arranging and funding the logistics for their local event from their own resources, including venue, food, supplies, swag and prizes, as they may choose in their discretion. Local Leads are also responsible for considering accessibility and connectivity logistics in connection with.
  • Recruit supporting teammates - Each Local Lead is responsible for arranging needed personnel to run their local event.
  • Recruit participants from their community to join the local event.
  • Follow NASA International Space Apps Challenge branding guidelines.
  • Support participants through their entire hackathon journey and encourage project submission.
  • Recruit Local Judges and complete Local Judging.
  • Recruit Local Collaborators (optional but encouraged) - Each Local Lead is responsible for their own collaborator outreach efforts.
  • Follow NASA’s China funding restrictions regarding affiliation.*
Interested in being notified about the 2025 Local Lead Application?

This is not a Local Lead Application. The 2024 Local Lead Application is closed.

Question Title

* 1. Given/First Name

Question Title

* 2. Family/Surname

Question Title

* 3. Primary Email Address

*In accordance with NASA’s China funding restrictions, teams will undergo review for possible bilateral activity with China in order to be determined eligible to participate in the Global Judging round of the NASA International Space Apps Challenge. Prohibited bilateral activity with China means participating, collaborating, or coordinating bilaterally with the People’s Republic of China (PRC), including Hong Kong and Macau, or a PRC-owned company, in relation to participation in SpaceApps. “PRC or PRC-owned Company" means any department, agency, or instrumentality of the government of the People's Republic of China and any governmental subdivision thereof, including Hong Kong and Macau, any company owned by the People's Republic of China, or any company, university, or similar institution incorporated under the laws of the People's Republic of China or governmental subdivision thereof, including Hong Kong and Macau. Determination of a team’s eligibility will be based on information provided by team members during registration. Providing false information in connection with this form will be grounds for disqualification or termination from participation in the NASA International Space Apps Challenge.