Link to Documents for Public Comment:
Comments on this suite of documents will be accepted between September 18, 2024 and October 18, 2024. Comments should be submitted by uploading a completed copy of the comment matrix template linked below. Using the public comment matrix template, please identify the document title, page, and/or section and subsection of the document that you wish to comment on. Please submit one matrix which includes all of your comments.

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About the SCPA
NYeC, in partnership with the New York State Department of Health, is leading implementation of a uniform Statewide Common Participation Agreement (SCPA) – a new, common legal framework for all health care entities that participate in the SHIN-NY. The SCPA will replace the numerous, different agreements which have historically governed participation in the SHIN-NY through the participating organization’s regional Qualified Entity (QE). A single, statewide SHIN-NY participation agreement will provide uniformity and reduce redundancy, enabling the SHIN-NY to provide seamless, consistent statewide services; improve efficiency; and ensure optimal data use, under a common set of privacy and security standards, for existing purposes as well as New York’s public health and Medicaid purposes.

Once implemented, all SHIN-NY QEs and participants will be required to enter into the new SCPA in accordance with state regulations governing the SHIN-NY. NYeC anticipates initiating the signing process in early 2025.

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