The SIMPCO Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) includes Sioux City, Sergeant Bluff, Woodbury County, and Plymouth County in Iowa; Dakota Dunes CID, North Sioux City, and Union County in South Dakota; and Dakota City, South Sioux City, and Dakota County in Nebraska.
For this survey, please consider transportation infrastructure and planning needs specific to these areas. Responses are sought from those living and/or working in the the metro area.

Question Title

* 2. What is your primary mode of transportation?

Question Title

* 3. How do you rate the quality and ease of use of each of the following modes of transportation where you live?

  Very Good Good Satisfactory Needs improvement Unsatisfactory
Travel by motor vehicle
Travel by bicycle
Pedestrian travel by sidewalks
Travel by bus
Travel by air

Question Title

* 4. Indicate your frequency of use in the past twelve months for each of the following:

  Never Rarely (1-2 times per year) Every so often (3-11 times per year) Monthly Weekly Daily
Paratransit or Siouxland Regional Transit System (SRTS)
Sioux Gateway Airport for air travel
Ride share apps (Uber, Lyft, etc.)
Bike trail for recreation
Bike trail for commute or mode of transportation
On-street bike routes
Walked to a destination instead of driving

Question Title

* 5. Please rate the following aspects of the transportation system in the Sioux City MPO:

  Not an issue/Acceptable Tolerable Poor Unacceptable
Congestion levels on major streets, roads, and highways
Condition of major streets, roads, and highways
Availability of bike trails
Availability of public transit services (bus)
Availability of sidewalks and crosswalks on major streets
Traffic safety at intersections
Safety of railroad crossings

Question Title

* 6. What do you think are the most immediate transportation needs facing our region today? Choose three (3)

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* 7. The LRTP lays out regional project planning for the next 25 years. What do you think are the most important transportation priorities for the next 25 years? Choose three (3)

Question Title

* 8. Rate your willingness to have your tax dollars used to support the following transportation improvements in the region.

  Very Willing Somewhat Willing Not Sure Not Willing
Developing new bike and pedestrian trails
Improving transit service (bus)
Reducing traffic congestion
Improving transportation service for seniors and persons with disabilities
Airport improvements
Improving freight transportation facilities
Improving safety at intersections
Reduce traffic delays caused by trains
Roadway flood control measures (eg redirecting stormwater, roadside bioswales, native plantings, etc.)
Construction of electric vehicle charging stations
Pedestrian safety improvements

Question Title

* 9. How many miles do you drive a vehicle per week?

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* 10. How far is your commute to work?

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* 11. How high would the price of gas need to be, before you start seeking alternative forms of transportation?

Question Title

* 12. Are there any improvements to the transportation system where you live or work that would enhance your quality of life?

Question Title

* 13. Use this space to provide any additional comments regarding the transportation system in the metro area.