We are seeking feedback from GPs on discharge summaries from SCGH.
Thank you for taking the time to complete this questionnaire. We are hoping to use your feedback to help us to plan how we can improve discharge summaries from SCGH. If you would like further information about this survey please contact Dr Lucy Gilkes the liaison GP ( email below). Your individual responses are anonymous and no information which identifies you will be shared. However we would like to share the compilation of all GP responses with staff at SCGH to help improve discharge summaries. If you choose to complete this survey you will be consenting to have your survey responses included in the compiled data which will be shared with SCGH staff. 
This survey is not intended to address any immediate clinical concerns about a discharge summary for a particular patient. If you have concerns regarding an individual patient and would like a response from the hospital regarding this please contact the doctors who were looking after the patient in hospital or contact  Dr Lucy Gilkes the liaison GP by email ( below).   
Best wishes 
Dr Donald Coid , A/Executive Director Medical Services
Dr Lucy Gilkes , Hospital Liaison GP lucy.gilkes@health.wa.gov.au

Question Title

Please rate how much you agree with the following statements. 

Generally I receive discharge summaries from SCGH at the time of patient discharge.

Question Title

Any comments about this matter?

Question Title

Generally, the content of the discharge summary provides me with accurate, useful information about what happened to my patient in hospital. 

Question Title

Any comments about this matter?

Question Title

Overall, how satisfied are you with the following components of the discharge summaries?

  Very dissatisfied Somewhat dissatisfied neutral Somewhat satisfied Very satisfied.
Structure  and layout of information
Only important , relevant information is included. 
Correctly identifies the Patient's GP
Reason for admission
Key diagnoses made in hospital
Key events occuring in hospital
Results of investigations done in hospital
Assessments made by other specialists during admission. ( eg by Liaison psychiatrist)
Assessments made by allied health practitioners during admission.
Details of patient condition or functional status on discharge
Discharge medication list
Reasons for medication changes.
Discharge planning
Details of follow up appointments

Question Title

Any comments on any of the components above?