We want to know what you think!

Thank you for taking time to complete the Snohomish County EMS Patient Feedback Survey. We value your input and are interested in learning more about your recent experience with Snohomish County EMS agencies. This survey should take approximately five minutes to complete. If you would like to include comments and/or your contact information, space is provided at the end of the survey.

Question Title

Date and approximate time of call/incident:


Question Title

Street address or location of incident:

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Number of times you (or someone else on your behalf) called 9-1-1 in the last 12 months?

Question Title

Please rate your recent experience with Snohomish County EMS (SCEMS) providers. For each statement, check the circle that corresponds to the level of care you received. If a question does not apply, please select N/A. Space is provided at the end of the survey to offer additional comments.

Please select the circle that best describes your experience:

  Excellent Good Fair Poor Not applicable
Professionalism of the 9-1-1 call operator
Usefulness of instruction provided by the 9-1-1 call operator prior to the arrival of EMS personnel
Professionalism of Snohomish County EMS personnel
SCEMS personnel knowledge/understanding of your complaint
Quality of care provided by SCEMS personnel
Concern SCEMS personnel showed for your questions or worries
Concern SCEMS personnel showed for the needs of your family and friends
Degree to which SCEMS personnel explained the procedures they performed in a manner that you could understand
Overall satisfaction with the service you received from Snohomish County EMS personnel

Question Title

Please offer any additional comments or suggestions in the space below:

Question Title

If any SCEMS providers were especially helpful, please let us know who they are.  We would like to show them our appreciation.

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Contact information (optional):

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Do you wish to be contacted by Snohomish County EMS regarding this survey?

Thank you for participating in our survey!