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The Sections and Chapters Council (“S&CC) of A&WMA has opened elections for the Vice-Chair position. The elected Vice-Chair will assume the position January 1, 2025 and will serve as Vice-Chair until December 31, 2027. Upon completion of the Vice-Chair position, this person will assume the S&CC Chair position and serve on the Association’s Board of Directors for three years.

Please note that this vote is not being conducted on an individual member basis. Each Section and each Chapter may only cast 1 vote prior to the October 9, 2024 deadline. Therefore, please coordinate with the leaders within your section or chapter on how to cast this vote. All votes will be validated by headquarters, with the election results being finalized.

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* 2. Please list your name and position within your local unit. 

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* 3. Please approve the candidate for 2025-2027 Sections and Chapters Vice Chair.

Travis Tokarek
Travis Tokarek, Ph.D., P.Chem, Atmospheric Scientist, Government of Alberta, Calgary, Alberta

Travis has a Ph.D. in Atmospheric Chemistry from the University of Calgary and is a Professional Chemist from the Association of the Chemical Profession of Alberta. He has 12 years of experience in the field of atmospheric chemistry with a focus on modelling, measurement and the analysis and reporting of air quality data and his current role as Atmospheric Scientist with the Government of Alberta has him focused on data analysis including innovative applications of using machine learning to better understand years of complex data from many long-term air quality monitoring stations. Travis has been involved with the Canadian Prairie and Northern Section (CPANS) of the A&WMA since 2012 and has been involved in leadership roles ever since. These roles include Vice-Director of Calgary Luncheons, Director of Student Affairs, Director of Website Editorial, Technical Director, Vice-Chair, Chair and Past Chair (2020-2022). Highlights of his involvement with CPANS and A&WMA include Chairing his local section during the COVID-19 pandemic and Chairing the local host committee for ACE 2024 in Calgary. Travis has been a committee member with the Sections and Chapters Council on the Membership committee for the past 3 years. He attended the Leadership Training Academy in 2022 and attended and participated in several Periodic Online Sharing Sessions (POSS).

Travis believes the S&CC is one of the most important councils at the A&WMA. Supporting local chapters by improving communication between the A&WMA and sections and chapters is his top concern. Other goals he believes are important to the long-term resiliency and vitality of the organization include: identifying and actively working to improve sections and chapters with downward trending memberships, seeking to improve the dissemination of key results from the membership performance survey, working with the board to better understand the challenges the organization faces and how the S&CC can contribute in a practical way, and, finally, to actively seek out interested professionals, young professionals and students to get involved with the A&WMA. Travis firmly believes that membership with A&WMA is made richer, and provides most of its value, by being involved.

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