Welcome to the SCALA Hackathon – Asia and the Pacific application form.
Thank you for your interest in participating in this event!

The application deadline is Sunday, 15 January at midnight (CET). 

The overarching objective of the event will be to the SCALA Hackathon will encourage participants to find solutions that harness the power of digital technology to improve land use and agriculture to achieve climate resilience and contribute towards country climate plans in Asia, and in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).  

For more information about the SCALA Programme, objectives and country work, please visit the FAO or UNDP SCALA websites. Teams with female and non-binary members are encouraged to apply.

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* 1. Section 1: General Profile 

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* 2. Please select which of the following apply to your team: [You can choose more than one option]  

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* 3. Have you participated in a Hackathon before?

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* 4. What is your team's motivation in applying for the Hackathon? (150 words maximum)

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* 5. How did you hear about this Hackathon?

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* 6. Section 2: Team Profile 

How many members are there in the team? 

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* 7. Team member #1

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* 8. Team member #2

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* 9. Team member #3

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* 10. Team member #4

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* 11. Team member #5

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* 12. Section 3: Problem statement

To empower smallholder farmers in Asian countries to improve or adopt on-farm climate resilience and help them access financial resources, which type of solution are you proposing? 

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* 13. Which category does your solution fall under? 

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* 14. What is your target country? Please choose one.

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* 15. What is the problem or challenge you are trying to solve? (100 words maximum)

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* 16. Briefly describe the idea/product/solution you plan to develop to solve the problem you have identified? (250 words maximum) 

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* 17. Section 4: For Bootcamp planning 

How would you rate your team's understanding of human centered design thinking?

1 - Low 3 - Medium 5 - High

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* 18. Do you have any previous experience of pitching ideas to a panel of experts?

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* 19. Would you be interested in attending a session on Digital Public Goods (DPG) and API design/ecosystems during the Bootcamp?