The HOA of Brookside Board of Directors is requesting feedback from homeowners regarding the fence rule, specifically as it pertains to R-1 zoned lots that currently cannot have a fence, per the Governing Documents. These answers will be used solely to begin conversations with the developer about whether there is enough homeowner interest - especially by those who live in R-1 zoned phases - to change the Declaration during an annual meeting in which the only developer could do so.

Streets that fall into R-1 zoned category include Allison Marshall, Tanglewood, Tulip Hill, Emma, Terrapin, Jocelyn, Dawn, Evan, Oakmont, New Kensington, Riley, Spring Run, Reese, Joffa, Tucan, Edington, Bill, Corral, Gates, Birch, Butterfly, Sunflower, Harrow, Groupe, Joshua Tree and Pebble Run.

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* 1. What is your last name and street address?

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* 2. Would you like to see fences allowed in Phases 1-7, 9 and 14 that would match what the Guidelines specify for PRD zoned lots in Brookside (installed on the rear lot only, on the property line, black aluminum style fence, maximum 72" in height, no interior perimeter fencing)?

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* 3. If you live in a phase that currently is not allowed to have fences, would you be inclined to sell your home if this rule was changed and the homes immediately around you installed fences?

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* 4. If you live in a phase that currently is not allowed to have fences, would you be inclined to install a fence on your lot if it was allowed?

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* 5. Was whether or not a fence was specifically allowed in your phase of development one of the contributing factors when purchasing your home in Brookside?

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* 6. If fences were allowed on R-1 zoned lots, are you aware that even though a fence is installed by the interested owner on the shared property line, you would need to maintain the lawn on your side of the fence line (i.e. additional edging/trimming of grass and treating weeds growing around/through the posts)?

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* 7. What is your main reason for believing fences should or should not be allowed in R-1 zoned lots in Brookside?