Atascadero Recreation's Summer Programs & Camps Survey

Help Shape Our Summer Programming!

Atascadero's Recreation Division wants your feedback regarding summer classes, in-person camps, and summer virtual camps and classes. We are currently preparing for summer programming and actively monitoring County, State, and CDC guidelines in order to provide as much of a safe and sanitary environment for youth as possible.

Staff are assessing program and facilities for social distancing opportunities and securing supplies (i.e. sanitizers, soaps, scanning thermometers, etc). The division has been developing classes and in-person program models that implement social distance protocols, as well as potential virtual summer camp classes that would consist of programming provided through Zoom or another online platform. Your feedback will help us shape what summer looks like for the Atascadero Community. We appreciate and value your feedback. 
1.We are hoping to offer the following types of summer programming if allowed to do so:
a) In-person classes with social distancing and limited number of participants based on guidelines.
b) In-person Summer Club at the Teen Center with a limited number of participants based on guidelines.
c) In-person sports that would maintain social distancing, limited number of participants, masks for coaches, etc.  
d) Virtual camps including Lego Camp, Science Camp, Chess Camp, etc. via Zoom or another platform.  

What type of programming would your family be interested in participating in?
2.What types of virtual classes/camps/sports would you or your child(ren) be interested in enrolling and participating in?  Check all that apply.
3.If programs can only be offered virtually as opposed to in-person due to future public health protocols, are you:
4.We will not be putting out a Summer Recreation Guide due to Covid-19 but may send out a listing of summer programming via email and on the web if timing allows.  Would you like to receive a copy of the flyer?  
5.Any additional comments you'd like to share?  
Current Progress,
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