Theatre Forum Strategy Survey |
The board and executive have been working to formulate Theatre Forum’s 2024-2028 strategy and at this point, we would really value your feedback.
Strategy 2024-2028
To signal a shift in outlook and focus, a new organisation name and tagline are proposed:
Performing Arts Ireland
Strengthening Our Sector
Performing Arts Ireland is a forum that supports artists, arts workers, and organisations to build a better connected, more diverse, and stronger community and secures the resources needed to sustain the sector.
Performing Arts Ireland’s mission is to be an effective point of connection for the sector, facilitating opportunities for information sharing and collaboration, carrying out research and collecting evidence to effect change where it is needed, promoting effective models of practice, and providing relevant resources for member artists, arts workers, and arts organisations.
Performing Arts Ireland’s mission is to be an effective point of connection for the sector, facilitating opportunities for information sharing and collaboration, carrying out research and collecting evidence to effect change where it is needed, promoting effective models of practice, and providing relevant resources for member artists, arts workers, and arts organisations.
We believe that knowledge is strength and Performing Arts Ireland is the point where connections are made, and the expertise and resources of the sector are shared.
We believe that the ability to adapt and change is vital to the sector’s future and, as required, Performing Arts Ireland is a catalyst for and agent of positive change.
We believe that greater diversity leads to a more vibrant arts sector and to embed this value in the organisation, Performing Arts Ireland is inclusive and equitable in all its activities.
Performing Arts Ireland has three goals:
Performing Arts Ireland has three goals:
- Facilitate Connections
- Enable Change
- Provide Resources