Delivery Jobs. Rs. 20000 plus incentives

Interested in Swiggy, Zomato, Dunzo, BigBasket, Grofers jobs? Enter details. Immediate phone interview  
You can also install our app (but please do fill this form to get interviewed )

Question Title

* 1. Are you interested in delivery jobs? 

Question Title

* 2. What is your phone number (for interview) 

Question Title

* 3. What is your name? 

Question Title

* 4. Are you currently staying in Bengaluru?

Question Title

* 5. What is your city, location, and pincode (enter like this: bangalore, hrbr layout, 560043) 

Question Title

* 6. What all languages can you speak?

Question Title

* 7. What all languages can you READ?

Question Title

* 8. Do you have a bike?

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* 9. Do you have a driving license?

Question Title

* 10. Do you have a PAN card?

Question Title

* 11. Do you have an Adhaar card?

Question Title

* 12. Are you interested in full-time or part-time (preference for full-time)

Question Title

* 13. Are you interested in a job with Swiggy? 

Question Title

* 14. Are you interested in a job with BigBasket?

Question Title

* 15. Pick locations where you are prefer working

Question Title

* 16. Are you interested in a job with Dunzo?

Question Title

* 17. Are you interested in a job with Zomato?

Question Title

* 18. If you do not like any of the above (Swiggy, Zomato, BigBasket), please tell us why?

Question Title

* 19. What is your educational qualification?