Thank you for attending this ECHO session. Your feedback is appreciated and will help us to improve future sessions:

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* 1. Did you watch the session during our live presentation or through the recording?

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* 2. Please describe your role:

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* 3. Did you perceive any degree of bias in any part of this session?

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* 4. To what extent do you agree with the following statements?

The session was relevant to my practice

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* 5. There was ample opportunity for discussion.

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* 6. This session met my learning needs.

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* 7. The overall format of the session was useful.

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* 8. The presenters were knowledgeable.

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* 9. Overall, this ECHO session was a good learning experience.

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* 10. I would recommend this session to colleagues.

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* 11. The sessions I participated in had participants from professions other than mine. (e.g. physicians, nurses, nurse practitioners, social workers, managers, etc.)

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* 12. Having participants from different professions in the same sessions added to my learning about topics covered by these sessions.

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* 13. To what extent do you agree with the following statement

Having participants from different professions in the same sessions helps us to improve the care we provide.

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* 14. During the session I _________(select all that apply)

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* 15. If applicable, list up to 2 things you will be doing differently as a result of participating in this session. (please be specific)

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* 16. If applicable, please describe up to 2 things that you were doing already that were confirmed in this session.

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* 17. What other topics would you like to learn about through our ECHO programming?

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* 18. Please share any additional comments.

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* 19. Please provide us with your name below: