Your union is driven by you, and by completing a bargaining survey, nominating yourself or a strong leader to the bargaining team, and filling out your membership card, you’re taking the future of your union and your career into your own hands!

Our contract expires on June 27, 2021 so your participation is critical to success in bargaining.

Together We Win,
SEIU Local 721

What is a Bargaining Team?

Bargaining Teams are now being formed for the upcoming contract negotiations. A Bargaining Team is a committee of union members who are elected to lead your Local’s bargaining campaign. Bargaining Teams work with members to identify issues and develop contract proposals. Bargaining Teams meet with Management to negotiate over contract proposals.

Most importantly, bargaining teams help to build our Contract Action Teams at the workplace to keep all union members informed about the progress of bargaining and to move members into action to win the best contract possible.

What is a Contract Action Team (CAT)?

The member Contract Action Team (CAT) meets throughout negotiations to facilitate communication between the bargaining team and the entire union membership. The CAT makes sure that the bargaining team is hearing from members, and that members understand what’s happening in negotiations. The CAT is also responsible for planning and organizing actions throughout negotiations to build power and support our Bargaining Team at the negotiating table. Anyone can volunteer for the CAT.


• You may nominate yourself or any other member in your bargaining unit by completing the Nomination questions 24 and 25.
• This is not a ballot. Only one nomination per candidate is necessary. Submitting more than one nomination form for the same candidate will not increase his/her/their chance of winning a seat.
• We need to fill 6 spots on the bargaining team.
• Nominations must be submitted by Friday, March 12, 2021 at 5pm (PST).

If you have more questions, contact Worksite Organizer Revi Levi at, (805) 218-1505.
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25% of survey complete.