Hi! I'm preparing for our interview and have a few questions below that I'd appreciate your input on. Note these are all optional - you can skip any or all of these questions - I just want to do my homework and make this a great conversation for you 🙂

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* 1. Your name (or the guest's name, if you're filling this out for someone else)

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* 2. What would make this a win for you? Do you have any goals for appearing on Hospitality Daily?

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* 3. Can you give me the names of a few people you've learned from, have been influential on your career and/or shaped the way you view hospitality?

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* 4. Are you able to share the names of a few people you mentor (or have mentored)?

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* 5. What are some of your creative inputs recently? (authors, books, podcasts etc)

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* 6. What’s something you’re proud of achieving recently?

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* 7. Do you have any stories you like to tell and people tend to enjoy?

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* 8. What’s something you teach all your new team members?

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* 9. Is there anything else you could teach our community?

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* 10. What's your cell/mobile number (in case we have trouble connecting before the interview)