1. Registration

Thank you for your interest in the Spine Atlas Initiative.

To register for the "Data call 1: epidemiology and variation in the treatment of degenerative lumbar spondylolisthesis (LDS)", please answer the few questions below. This survey should take you <5 minutes to complete.

For information visit www.eurospine.org/spineatlas and contact us at spineatlas@eurospine.org should you need assistance in answering the below questions.

Kind regards,
Christian Herrmann
Spine Atlas

Question Title

* 1. Contact information (main contact person).

These details will only be used for the purpose of your registration to the Spine Atlas initiative and for sending you any information or documents in relation to the data call 1.

Question Title

* 2. Name of participant (in English)

Name of organisation/institution/hospital and department/individual for which data will be delivered (in English)

Question Title

* 3. Other contact persons and email-addresses

Enter additional persons, if any, that should receive information.
Use format:
“Name1” <email1>, “Name2” <email2> etc.